You already know it

The sun was shining, birds singing and meadows were in their full flourish of spring flowers. Vivid colors of miscellaneous flowers. Young Frank was playing with his best friend Joey on the ground. Boys were digging a hole with mangled pieces of iron Joey stole from his grandfather. They were digging to build an underground laboratory for their experiments with hydrogen propulsion motors. Well, they weren’t actually capable of doing it but the imagination drove them to dig further. When they were exhausted they just lay in the hole and enjoyed a nice view of a beautiful sky. As thy...

Java object oriented programming language

It was a hot sultry day, everyone was wearing the most comfortable clothes available. I was completely satisfied with myself, I got almost the best grades of a whole course from the last exam. I even boasted about it to my friend sitting next to me who wasn’t feeling the same way about it because he got far fewer points than he expected. The teacher started to explain a new stuff about java. Something with databases I don’t really remember, but what I remember clearly is that suddenly a cold soothing wind blew behind my neck. I turned to see...